Product Design at, Noun Project, and Yoga Anytime
Robin Medina

I have a wealth of experience managing complex design projects and creating beautiful designs that holistically balance user and business needs, uplift visual design, ensure consistency with design systems, and support engineering success.


Design System Framework

Tools I use to guide conversations and help visualize the strategy to set up, refactor, or onboard a system.

View in figma

Branding Framework

Tools I use for discovery and definition during rebranding and refresh projects.

View in figma


Born in New Mexico with a taste for hatch chiles in my veins. I came of age in Florida and "lived the dream" in NYC, before I settled into the easy life of California. I'm currently studying audio production in my free time and draw signs for community events. My favorite color is clear. I equally love making things in both the digital and physical realms. I wear black and white and dream in color.


